Welcome Visitors

This is a Federated Wiki, curated by a group of authors. From this page you can find who we are and what we do with coming together here. Further on, this page shows you how we use this kind of wiki.


This page introduces the writers of this wiki. Their personal short biographies are linked below, together with a short summary.

David Bollier Independent author, blogger, activist and researcher on the commons Silke Helfrich Independent author, blogger, activist and researcher on the commons

Please click on the arrows below, if you wish to see the most recent versions of pages. They arrows will add the individual wikis to the local neighbourhood and federate their contents. If pages of different version exist, it will be noticeable above the page's title.

Authors davidbollier.fed.wiki David Bollier silke.makecommoningwork.fed.wiki Silke Helfrich Editors ward.asia.wiki.org Ward Cunningham jon.makecommoningwork.federated.wiki Jon Richter


# Where we do & share - Make Commoning Work a framework to describe and enact commoning processes - Federated Wiki introduction a short overview of the way how this wiki is different, and embraces difference


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